BCC undefeated tonight
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This is the backup community for SquaredCircle on Lemmy.zip! Come discuss pro wrestling! Any company or era is welcome. (Our main community on Lemmy.zip) **Please direct conversations towards our main community as it is more active and this spot is intended for 'emergency' purposes.**
This main event has been amazing thus far
Amazing main event OC looked like a badass!
Brilliant show top to bottom. AEW always delivers on PPV.
Biggest pop by my wife so far has been ref Aubrey coming out lmao
Shida and Athena. That's the match I was hoping for :/
I need that match
Absolutely. I know Shida wants it too. There was an article a few weeks ago where she said so.
Skye's lipstick = Dorothy's Ruby slippers
As a non-ROH watcher, I'm very happy to see Athena again.
She's been killing it in ROH
She's so great as a heel. I hope we get her back in AEW soon.
LFI coming back is gonna be INSANE I can't wait
I'll never forgive Preston! Never!
Also Cole has to stand up to Joe. He keeps beating up his besties
I don't know that I'll ever not laugh at the single pyro
Let's go!!!!!!
I'll never boo Dark order
Wait...does this mean Roddy and MJF are both gonna be in neck braces? 😂😂
Joe has such a bad ass swagger
Welp wonder how many heart attacks Darby is gonna give me tonight
😂😂😂 Heel Dark Order are such cunts
So if they don't lose, I'm betting MJF makes a courageous save for his brochacho
It's a good thing AEW is a high work rate company, because they did not hype this card much. With that being said, I know they'll deliver some good to great matches
This MJF "face" speedrun is hilarious
It's great. Best thing going in AEW for me lol
A "he's our scumbag" face
Who you got? Miro or Hobbs?
Difference of opinion in my household. I got Miro, wife got Hobbs.
Double Clothesline!
😂😂😂😂 I just caught on. They're making fun of brawl in
Great catch. Choke and all lol.
You tell him Uno!
Sad Dark Order fan noises
MJF went full Punk
Shane and Joe beat the hell out of each other!
The first of meaty men slapping man meat!
I was just thinking how I usually enjoy Joe's matches because they are so stiff and pretty much get to the point
I like Darby but I'm pulling for Christian here.
I'm not sure who will win but this about to be wild! I believe he's actually wrestling Luchasaurus but Christian will surely be present
Christian is such an asshole man
Darby acts like he needs to kill his neck before it kills him.