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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Aggravating_Affect66 on 2023-09-05 11:16:55.
A little context, I had a discussion with my boss two weeks ago about my desire to leave the company because the things promised during the interview have not been true. Right now I am in the process of looking for a new job, my boss is not pressuring me to leave asap.
Today I got into work and she asked me to go with a work colleague for one of her projects, which is a brand activation at a festival. The event is 550 km (350 miles) away from the city we work in and the reason my boss wants me to go (even though I haven't worked on the project at all) is to keep my colleague company on the 10 hour drive.
I asked her why wont she go by air travel and the reasoning was because she has things to transport to the event and then I asked why we aren't hiring transportation and the answer was because my colleague prefers driving there.
I have things scheduled for every day of the week (from dentist, to vet to my best friend's birthday party) and I feel like she is using my leave as an excuse to make me do what she wants.
AITA if I refuse the work trip?