DualSense = best controller. Really hope to see more support and transparency for some of its more unique features on PC.
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I've never liked PlayStation controllers. They look terrible and the joysticks on the same line have never felt good to me. Xbone ones are so much comfier imo.
Valid opinion! I like how it looks and the joystick position is comfortable for me, but that's why it's good to have choices.
Yeah I love the adaptive triggers. Which more games used them better.
My only problem with DualSense is fact the L3 and R3 buttons are too squishy and unreliable.
Interesting-- I find that too, but I've felt that way about every controller. Do you have any in mind that you think do it better?
Yeah the 8BitDo Ultimate is perfect IMO, it's like a cross between a DualSense and an Xbox controller, even has hall effect sticks, so no drift.
Oh, I like that brand! I have a few of their SNES-but-with-sticks controllers for couch co-op and they've been really good for how cheap they were. Will definitely consider giving the Ultimate a try.
Eh not really. I find it's uncomfortable and it's missing what I deem to be crucial features in 2023 such as hall effect sticks, mechanical face buttons, trigger stops and rear buttons.
Not features I've thought much about. I'd definitely prefer to have rear buttons but haven't felt that I've missed them. I'd also definitely try Hall effect sticks and mechanical buttons-- I don't think they'd make much of a difference to me, but maybe if I tried them, I'd never go back :)
Do you have a controller in mind that has the same features as DualSense (gyro, trackpad, adaptive triggers...) and also has the features that you mentioned?
Dualsense edge(the expensive elite controller for PS) has everything except hall effect sticks. The stick modules themselves are replaceable and iirc gulikit said they'll make hall effect ones
Same. I never really cared until I used them and now I can't go back. Unfortunately there's no one true perfect controller for me. I don't think there are any controllers outside of Sony that reallt have a trackpad. My go to controller at the moment is the Flydigi Vader 3 Pro which has the hall effect sticks, rear buttons and mechanical face buttons but the remapping software is next to useless and the gyro isn't as strong as a DualSense.
Oh nice, it looks like a really good controller-- I'll wishlist it and maybe pick one up if my DualSense starts drifting :)
2023 and we are still dealing with this shit 🤦♂️
Which shit? Steam supports all of these controllers and let's you map them in ANY game for years already.
Oh I guess I just imagined the dependence on DS4Windows and other hacked up support.
Ds4windows is still useful, it certainly has a few more options then what steam has integrated and ofc works for games not associated with steam. So there's definitely still dependance on it but for games that are on steam, steams controller support is actually pretty good and has worked well for the past few years. At least is has for me, I haven't had any issues or need for Ds4windows since like 2019
So..... 2023 and dealing with this shit?
No because you can add anything as non-steam and use built in tools.
"It's not shit that you have to deal with if you deal with the shit so the shit ends up being dealt with."
Ahh, so more bullshit and work arounds. 👌👍
Credits to Sony
Mostly no.
Except everything but steam.
Pretty much everything is steam though. And the few games that aren't can just be added to steam as a non steam game
I guess fuck me for trying to use GoG. I'll just deal with my non existent work arounds that are definitely not real in 2023.
The problem is mostly solved and pretending that it's the same now as just a few years ago, is stupid.
Just try adding the gog games to steam.
I guess you missed the entire point and just want to use work arounds and hacky ass shit🤦♂️.
It's crazy the length you will go through to justify this hacky bullshit 40 years into PC gaming. Just wild.
Blame Sony for not providing proper drivers. They have no interest in this and you use flawed GoG services on top of that.