Would you mind sharing your files please. I have the same config with rx6700 xt.
Hackintosh Guide. If anyone is a moderator for the actual r/hackintosh, please message me.
Sure do you want the config.plist? I will warn you that after months of use, I can say it's only 99% stable.
It is 100% stable during use, but during sleeps and suspends I get framebuffer KPs associated with the 5700XT graphics card I bought for it. I'm not using WEG - I was told my framebuffer issues are due to its absence. But last time I used WEG I couldn't boot to login. Something about WEG perhaps not supporting the MacPro9,1 SMBIOS I'm using.
I can do with the problems no worries. I just want your config.plist just to compare if I'm doing everything right or not. Thanks in advance!
Check your message inbox for it! =)
Hi!! can you share your files with me?? I also have a Ryzen 5 7600, I really wanted try doing an Hackintosh, only to try it out, it has to be done with the iGPU (since I have a nvidia GPU) , i followed an tutorial for a AMD CPU with an gpu, but replacing the the WhateverKext with the NootedRed one, but in the instalation before it even starts, i just get an white screen with a block sign in the middel!, I even tried removing my nvidia gpu thinking it was causing the problem, but it didn't work either way
I can share my config.plist and other files. However I was never able to get integrated graphics to work. Instead I purchased a Radeon 5700XT and used WEG. This gave me accelerated graphics. Can still share the config if it’s helpful to you. You will need to remove the memory map information and update it unless you have an identical motherboard.
i'd like that, thank you!!