I know I'm late, but here's the original post:
I was able to do this without an extension in Firefox. I followed the instructions here.
These are the steps I took:
Open the Firefox installation folder. For me, this was "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
Under this folder, open the "defaults\pref" folder. If not present, make those two folders.
Create a file called "autoconfig.js" inside the "defaults\prefs" folder, and put the following in it. This lets us run our own Javascript to configure the browser. The comment line at the top is required.
pref("general.config.filename", "autoconfig.cfg");
pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);
pref("general.config.sandbox_enabled", false);
Go back to the Firefox program folder
Create a file named "autoconfig.cfg"
Put the following in the file, replacing the value of newTabURL with the path to your startpage. This is 5 lines.
// first line is a comment
var {classes:Cc,interfaces:Ci,utils:Cu} = Components;
var newTabURL = "file:///PATH_TO_YOUR_START_PAGE.html";
aboutNewTabService = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/aboutnewtab-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAboutNewTabService);
aboutNewTabService.newTabURL = newTabURL;