Don is such a slimy POS. Reusing calling his man better than the greats. The petty insincerity
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Now Adam pretends to care ๐
I'm guessing Claudio vs. Big Bill soon...maybe Grand Slam?
Claudio is facing Eddie title vs title
Right! I completely forgot lol
I can't stop looking at Big Bills boots.
Man Don needs therapy. Why is it so God damn personal?
I'm not sure who's gonna win this women's match...but I know Nyla's eating the pin lol
For the record, I'm happy to be wrong lol
I really want to see Nyla get the win, but I know she probably won't.
Same. I'm just glad she didn't eat the pin. I was sure that's what she was there to do.
Renee keeps falling for this phony niceness
Toni blessing us with another performance
I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this.
I always yell: KISS!
Jade vs. Stat seems too big for Rampage. I'll take it though.
Oh I definitely don't think things will be clearer after Rampage
I'm guessing a non-finish on Rampage leading to a rematch at Grand Slam or WrestleDream.
I feel like you can't stretch it out but Tony might also feel like Collision needs something that week as well
Yeah that makes sense. And it's smart to have Jade's return match on Rampage instead of live TV. Just in case she has some rust.
2.0's music sounds so much like an 80s WWF theme it's scary.
Kinda love that the Bucks just let Nana dance for a bit. The more Nana, the better.
Eddie's great. I wish they had him cut some more promos in the ring. Crowds love him.
Wow! Joe won. You guys called it.
I think everyone called it, even Joe.
I was the dummy who thought Roddy might take it. At least before the show. I lost confidence after the MJF-math promo.
I blame Schiavone as well, he's aggravating
Idk Don Samoa Joe feels like the Alpha
The M in MJF now stands for Math.