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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/Truthisgold333 on 2023-09-13 18:59:04.
If you can't rely on Russia, or you say that out loud, shouldn't you have a new guarantor lined up before you make such statements? Do you have one? Maybe turkey can guarantee Armenia's safety? Because the west has done a pretty bad job of it so far. Its not western soldiers in Gyumri or Artsakh.
“The model by which we have problems with our neighbors and we have to invite others to protect us — it doesn’t matter who these others are — is a very vulnerable model.”
I agree with this statement 💯, why are you saying it out loud? Whats the point of saying something obvious like that out loud? What actions are you taking to achieve this goal?
Isreal can fight on its own now, it could never do that or get there without the US and UK backing it, putting them on their feet and providing training and weapons. Everyone needs allies, Armenia won the 90s NK war, not Russia, we didn't invite anyone in back then, if we did, nobody came and we won. We now have to play 30 year catch up with our enemies with less resources and a bigger population gap than there was in the 90s.
"In a speech the same day, Putin claimed that Russia could do little in Nagorno-Karabakh after Armenia recognized it as Azerbaijan’s sovereign territory earlier this year. Pashinyan confirmed that position in the interview with POLITICO, but said it was now up to the international community to ensure “ethnic cleansing” does not take place in the region."
I get it, you dont want Armenia responsible for territorial claims that would risk counter claims for land of the established republic. Why not say that Artsakh voted for secession legally, has self governed for over 30 years and it should be up to the people living on that land to decide if they want to take part in the dictatorial and genocidal society of Azerbaijan? but Armenia makes no claims on Azeri land