Reddit emigrant here, exploring the site (or should I say federated sites?) Seems promising though! As for myself, residing in Columbus, OH. Hope to interact with some other cool midwesterners.
Default community for Post questions about the instance or questions you want to ask other users here.
Hi, I'm Fuzzy!
I'm a network engineer from northwestern Indiana (but not "the region"). Basically same story as a lot of new people, I've been a reddit user for 7 years (80% Baconreader 20% old.reddit) and with the API changes I'll probably be using reddit a lot less. So I'm looking for some new site to waste my phone battery while I wait on switch reloads.
Still a little confused about how the servers vs communities work in my short time here but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
Yo, just some dude who lives in Chicago and likes open source stuff and wanted to move to a reddit alternative. Love all different types of stuff as long as it's new and interesting.
HI! I guess I'll just c/p my Masto intro in here...
I’m argentcorvid most other places (not Instagram though, that person is not me) I hang around on metafilter and reddit I don’t plan on posing much.
American living in Rural Central Iowa (Marshalltown-ish). I don’t really post much. He/Him, 2 kids, currently catless.
ADHD, and in typical fashion I am a serial hobby-haver. Currently collecting and refurbishing Vintage Coleman Lanterns, other interests include Home Brewing, cooking, smoking, motorcycling.
currently working as a Product Development Testing Technician (that means I break stuff on purpose) for a large company. Before that I was in the Navy.
edit: my mastodon is @[email protected]
Hi all! Another person escaping reddit here. I'm from Madison, WI, so finding this server was exciting. Professionally I'm a software/Linux engineer. Personally, I'm an audiophile, progressive metalhead, anarcho-communist, esperantist, and horror novel enthusiast. Nice to be here!
Another emigredditor here. I never posted much over there, I hope this platform stays cozy & welcoming after the inevitable influx!
I’m in Central Illinois, and I was very pleased to see there’s already a [email protected] community!
Southeast here! Kinda outta place but my application was approved, so here I am! Reddit refugee like most here, just made a Mastodon account as well. Linux and FOSS user, local truck driver, Mutualist and casual gamer
Former midwesterner, moved out of Columbus, OH with my wife to be closer to her family in PA, so midwest adjacent. Also 100% new to the fediverse (looked it up and explored it just this morning), and loving every corner I've visited so far.
I'm a tech/gaming enthusiast, who works from home, and also happens to live on a 170+ year old 12(ish) acre farmette just outside of Gettysburg, so I will be hunting down the garden and farming posts on here o.o