I think that's not a problem, that's a business model.
A place for all who enjoy the art of crochet
Or a really convenient state of affairs for OP's friends, at the very least!
You can, of course, sell them online and make sone money, but if you don't want to risk hating something you love (which business can do) then you should consider donating them to a children's hospital or something.
Yeah I'm afraid that if I started selling it I'd have to do business stuff, make things when I don't feel like it, measure the time it takes me and the cost of materials to set a fair price, worry about if the patterns I'm using are commercial friendly, worry about the actual quality/sturdiness of the plushies because people have expectations when they're not getting things for free...when I'm not in a position to really need the extra money.
Hospitals are a great idea but it looks like the local ones here only accept brand-new stuff with the exception of hats. :/ I guess my friends will just have to deal with an excess of plushies lol
It is a brand new thing. It's a brand new plushie made by an artisanal craftsman. You are the brand and the plushie is new.
They talk about leaving the tags on and have a separate category for things that can be made that doesn't include plushies. I really don't think crochet plushies are something they want, and I'm not really into trying to skirt the rules with "this is TECHNICALLYYY new even though I can tell it's not on the list of things you're looking for" when it comes to hospitals haha.
Fair enough. Could always make your own cardboard tag and draw a barcode on though lol.
The rules are really there to discourage people offloading their broken 2nd hand stuff.
It's worth asking the hospital staff/admin if it's something you might be interested in.
Brand new.
I think your "problem" makes you a highly desirable friend.
So cute!
what a precious cutie omg 🥺