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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/iamnotapotato_really on 2023-09-23 15:03:13.
Inspired by a question and the comments I saw on another subreddit. The question was something along the lines of "what insecurities to women have that men don't care about?"
A lot of responses claim women judge other women more than men do. I've seen this opinion a lot over the years.
I'm curious about the experience of all of you. I've only been bullied for my appearance by other girls a few times, and that was way back in middle school.
Since then and all through adulthood, all of my ensecurities came from men, mostly intimate partners. Of my experience with female friends and relatives, I only ever heard of shitty things men had said to them about their bodies.
What experiences do you all have? Do you think women judge other women more than men judge women?
Edit: not my intention to generalize any gender, I'm curious about personal, anecdotal experiences.