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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/talarthearmenian on 2023-09-23 16:29:01.
I'm on my period right now and as usual that means I am so dehydrated I am having to walk on my toes because if I put all my body weight on my feet the cramps will make the spinal pain worse. I hate this. I'm in so much pain but can't sleep because I have to watch over my grandma. I hate my uterus and I fucking hate being a woman. My OBGYN said there's nothing wrong with my uterus so it's basically just being an absolute fucking bitch to me and I'm so exhausted. My grandma fell last night at 4am so not only was I already running on no sleep because of the pain but had to lift her up while dealing with severe pain. I don't blame grandma at all it just fucking sucks and made the pain so much worse. I'm chugging Gatorade and pedialyte and praying the pain stops. Please does anyone know how to fix the pain? I took pamprin but it isn't making s single dent. I'm trying so hard to not sob right now because I don't want my grandma to worry but the pain is so bad