This shit looks wild. Watching Nick Cage act bananas is always fun
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The guy is absolutely nuts, I love it. I really hope he's a good guy in real life, because it would suck to find out he's actually an asshole that does take himself too seriously. Just that he actually did a movie called Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (which I haven't seen) cracked me up.
This looks crazy. I'm not sure what to think about this. Could be fun, though. Cage seems like the kind of actor who knows it's okay not to take himself too seriously.
Man, this dude is on a roll! I've been loving the mew wave of Cage movies, ever since Mandy popped on my radar. Only "Willy's Wonderland" hasn't really landed for me, and even that movie had really fun moments.
Feels like we are in the middle of a massive redemption arc of somekind.