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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Xmenenslaver on 2023-09-27 00:49:48.
For clarification: i have a job a very physical one at that. I'm experiencing a lot of back pain right now because of it. My husband has not worked in 11.5 months. My list of duties is
- Make the kid's breakfast
- Make the kids lunches
- Take the kids to school
- Go to work
- Clean the litter box
- Give the cat his medication
- Clean the livingroom
- Clean the kitchen
- Do laundry
- Pick the kids up from school
- Prepare dinner
- Help the kids with their homework
- do the dishes.
- Pay the whole rent
- Pay all of the electricity
- Pay for all of our streaming services
- Pay for all of our food
Even though he has been unemployed for almost a year he still thinks the only things he needs to do are
- Pay for storage
- Pay vehicle expenses
- Take the garbage out.
Today i asked him to do the dishes because standing is hurting too much and instead of helping he got mad at me and took off so i still have to do everything on my own.