Yes! I finished the original one. Slowly working my way through the new campaigns. Great on Android.
I also built this very silly schematic for turning scrap into EVERYTHING!
A place to talk and share content about automation and factory builder games.
icon attribution
Factory icons created by vectorsmarket15 - Flaticon
Yes! I finished the original one. Slowly working my way through the new campaigns. Great on Android.
I also built this very silly schematic for turning scrap into EVERYTHING!
I picked it up on fdroid, but I have only played it a bit. I found the Android UI a bit opaque.
I played the open-source variant on linux for a time and liked it so much that I bought it on steam. There you get the newest betas and mod workshop support.
It's quite a time killer. I like it.
Same but I donated $15USD as I prefer to support theopensourcee efforts
Super fun game, I should finish it sometime
I played it for a while some time ago on my desktop PC and liked it very much.
Mindustry is super ~~over~~underrated. I'm not normally into tower defenses, but something about it hits different.
Overrated? I didn't think it was that popular
Very fun in multiplayer, in particular. Played through it with a couple friends and we all had a great time.
I played it several large updates ago before there was a more robust tutorial system. I found it quite enjoyable to okay coop with friends, ramps up the engine building, along with a good measure of other player based chaos.