OnePlus 7Pro. Tempted for foldable but actually seeing what Nothing Phone 2 will be like. Beginning to think #eSim is needed for my future device
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Also on a 7 pro here. It's peak smartphone. If it ever breaks I'm more likely to attempt a repair or get another second hand 7 pro than to "upgrade" to a newer device.
Had a OnePlus 7 Pro for 4 years and just switched it out for a Pixel 7 Pro last week. A lot of things to like on the pixel, but the experience is definitely tinged with regret. The OnePlus 7 Pro is such a great device, I had never kept a phone more than 18 months before and that one I kept 4 years and still felt it was fine, I just wanted better photography and an AOD.
The biggest surprise with the pixel is how locked down it is. I assumed getting a Google phone would mean it was as open as possible, but it's probably the least customizable Android phone I've had. Maybe I should have gotten an S23 ultra, but I hate all that Samsung crap that they put on those phones and don't let you take off.
I'm not one for photography so not too bothered by the latest and greatest.
Op7p has the whole screen though and think that's why many choise to stick with it and run roms to extend it too
Pixel line want to go the Apple way (closed?) but lost out to Samsung and others UI when they didn't pay attention to hardware so many years back when they could, I feel.
Beauty of Android is one can make any device feel like another one. Just have to know where to look.
Samsung or pixel fold? Which one is calling you? Everyone i know with the samsung fold loves it.
More held back by price than brands. Perhaps see what OnePlus, Oppo, and other manufacturers come up with to push the prices down.
Have A Surface Duo as a secondary work device now and like the landscape form factor
I am on a Pixel 7 Pro with GrapheneOS. I am absolutely happy with that device. The battery lasts about 3 days for me. I like the work the GrapheneOS team is doing. All those privacy and security enhancements are great to have.
On Google Pixel sub, they often complain about battery. Is the three days because of Graphene OS?
Xperia 1V. Yes I paid flagship money for a Sony phone because of the headphone jack. No it doesn't overheat.
I imported an Xperia 10 IV about a month after launch. It's a brilliant form factor, but I'm very sad that it doesn't look like sailfish will ever arrive for it.
Nevertheless, I'm glad I bought it - and like you say, the headphone jack gets used frequently enough that you'd miss it if it wasn't there.
Pixel 7 Pro here.
Fellow Pixel 6a user here (with Graphene OS)! My gripes are mainly the 'rainbow effect' of the screen and the fingerprint sensor that doesn't work 10% of the time.
Pixel 7a. I recently moved to this from a Fold3. If the pixel fold has any sort of dex-like functionality, the pixel fold 2 will probably be my next phone.
Curious, why did you decide to switch from Fold 3 to Pixel 7a?
The main motivator was that I found myself using the outside screen in the fold 90% of the time and it is not a good screen to use 90% of the time.
There were also some software issues with some apps. Google messages, for example, would crash if I tried using it on the open screen. While I recognize that's a error on the app development side, so few apps are being properly developed for foldables, it was a legitimate issue.
The final deciding factor was repair. I'm very lucky to have a Samsung store near y, but when I needed that exterior display replaced, 3 ubreakifix locations were unable to service the phone for various reasons.
Pixel 6a running GrapheneOS. I was expecting to waste a weekend setting it up but I've been blown away with how good the user experience is. The only pain point I've had is not being able to run my banking app without Google services installed.
Right now I have a separate profile with sandboxes Google services installed which is unfortunate but gets the job done!
Pixel 6 with just the stock software.
Honestly, I don't think I could never go "back" to a 3rd party Android device. The hardware might be great, but the clean software and fast software upgrades is was sold me back in the Pixel 3A days.
Using Pixel 6 with Graphene OS…with many many FOSS apps.
Fairphone 4. Works well with CalyxOS. Stock software updates aren't that great.
I also have a OnePlus Nord CE 3 5g or something like that, the pastel colored one. Nice little phone.
I can't do OLED phones due to eyestrain, so my options are limited.
Droid 4. Love that keyboard. It barely functions as a cell device now that 3g has been shut down though. I just use it as a wifi device / tiny laptop.
Redmi Note 10. Have had it for two years without much issue, but have a bit of an itch to check out a Pixel 7a.
The S23 Ultra. Left the S22+ because of how bad the battery life was (thanks Qualcomm) but loving my S23U.
the one downside is size. it's massive^.
Grapheneos pixel 6a
Rocking my S10+ since release! (I despise the fingerprint sensor though )
I have an s23 ultra and I love it to bits. Has everything I could possibly want on a phone. Transferred my mathematica license to my phone in my linux environment
S23+. It's a downgrade in most ways from my Note 8... I don't like it very much. Screen looks worse. Glass scratches super easily. Software is buggy. The camera is atrocious. 9/10 photos I take of my kids comes out blurry.
I'm pretty disappointed overall considering it's supposed to be Samsung's flagship. It'll probably be the last Samsung phone I buy and I've been very happy with their phones in the past.
I've got a OnePlus 11 and it's pretty great so far!
Fxtec pro1. Only phone with an n97 mini style keyboard, and the pro1-x is on the way.
I'm on the Pixel 7, I'm pretty happy with it.
Had Fold 3 since launch and it's been amazing!
Xiaomi Note 10 Pro. It was inexpensive and does everything I need it to do.
Recently got an s23, coming from pixel 5. There's good and bad. The hardware feels a lot more premium. Software side there's so much more customisation on the galaxy, but the pixel everything is so smart out of the box. I keep coming across little things that made life so easy on the pixel which are missing from Samsung.
Nothing Phone 1. Pretty happy with it.
OnePlus 6 running LineageOS with micro G.
Z fold 3. It was not worth the price, but it's not a bad phone by any means.
I've seen a surprising amount of people carrying around a Fold 3 where I work.
I've got a Z3 Galaxy Fold.
Funnily enough I think the way it's messing with the Jerboa app as it keeps logging me out when I switch from front to unfolded mode.
I've been rocking a Xiaomi Mi 9t Pro for the past few years. I've run a few different Android variants and have been really happy with Evolution at the moment. I honestly don't know what would make me upgrade. This phone still easily lasts a day and a half on one charge and has all the features I'd want (headphone jack).
Z4 Flip. I like the smaller footprint and since I don't take a lot of pictures I don't mind the downgrade in camera from my previous S22. And no, the fold don't bother me.
Pixel 7 Pro.
Tried an S22 Ultra but couldn't get over the ads all over the OS, pre-installed bloatware, and the terrible camera shutter lag ):
Galaxy Z Fold 3. Loving the folding phone life, very interested in moving over to the pixel fold, probably not this year but maybe for the 2.
Oneplus 6T. The screen is starting to come loose, so I'm guessing it only has a few more months. I'll probably get Google Pixel.
Pixel is quirky but not too bad. the fingerprint sensor is the worst part :(
My 6T lasted five years, pretty good phone but the battery finally is giving up. Pixel 7 is an awesome replacement. The fingerprint sensor on the pixel has about the same error rate as the 6T for me.
I'm also here on a Pixel 7, lots of my die hard android friends are also on Pixels as well.
Redmi K30 Pro. Love the pop up camera and the full screen display with no stupid notch or hole punch. Have no plans to replace it any time soon since I just replaced the battery and everything else is still good as new.