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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Severe-Assist8293 on 2023-09-30 16:47:07.
30F, here. Over the years, I've gone through phases of contentment with being single, focusing on personal growth, and finding happiness in that independence.
And then there were other times when I decided to actively put myself out there.
In these dating experiences, I can count on one hand (perhaps three?), the number of men who truly treated me as an equal partner and, more importantly, actively listened when I shared my experiences as a woman, without dismissing them in some way.
Lately, I've reached a point where I'm feeling sort of tired of prioritizing my career, hobbies, and friendships, and constantly striving to be strong and not settle.
I've been craving the feeling of coming home to a partner with whom I can feel completely safe and be my authentic self.
Based on my experiences though, the prospect of finding that kind of connection just seems so incredibly challenging and bleak.