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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/New_Caregiver_8546 on 2023-09-30 18:47:06.
I was talking with my cousin on the phone today. She just turned 25 and I'm 24. We were talking and laughing. I made an inappropriate sexual joke and we laughed. She was like, "You wouldn't even know what to do. You're still a virgin". At that moment I knew she was with a man. I then hear some man in the background laughing saying, "Yoo wtf? How old is she?". I'm like??? I thought we were alone. She kept going saying, I don't leave the house, I don't do anything, I have no experience. She then said, "You wanna fuck my cousin?" I can't stand this shit. Every time she's near a man and I'm around, she has to say I'm a virgin and I don't do anything. Just because my idea of fun is different than yours, doesn't mean I don't go outside. Making me look like I'm an idiot like I don't know what a penis is, like I'm scared to go outside.
Why are some women like this? Like you really want a raggedy man to laugh at your cousin? It's so stupid. I told her I had to go and hung up. Like validation from a man you literally met 4 months ago.