I am so so so sorry to any child that was forced to read these. Especially to those who played Dungeons and Dragons in hopes of gaining supernatural powers. As it's been proven by many a stranger thing, TTRPGs are a symptom of occult talent, not a cause.
My personal corrections to Chick's instructions (last page) once you've found me:
Read your Bible every day to get to know Jesus Christ better. Use your critical thinking skills to consider whether or not God would qualify as a good parent in today's society. Is crucifixion a valid form of corporal punishment for unruly children? Discuss whether God's fitness as a parent impacts his capacity to govern as a supreme being.
Talk to God in prayer everyday. He hates that - prayer spam drives him nuts.
Be baptized in bodaciousness, be excellent to one another, and serve where love is the final authority.
Tell others about Jesus Christ and how to ding a ding dang your dangalong ling long.