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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Moist_Policy_71 on 2023-10-01 02:10:01.
The second somebody whines about women speaking with vocal fry, it's a red flag. If you don't know what Vocal Fry is, it's that creaky, gravelly vocal tone that's been largely blamed on the Kardashians for "popularizing".
A million think pieces have been written about vocal fry becoming more prevalent in young women in recent years, how it's associated with ditzy, spoiled, rich girls in the publics mind and how numerous studies have proven you NEED TO UNLEARN IT ASAP if you speak like this because everyone hates you for it and you'll never be taken seriously in a professional context.
I have a deeper voice that falls into vocal fry very easily. It's not an affectation, it's just my natural speaking voice and I honestly see no reason why I should make an effort to change it.
What drives me nuts is that I have the female version of my uncle's voice. My uncle was a radio host who was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame. This guy had a deep voice with intense vocal fry, but instead of being told he sounded stupid, annoying or unserious, he was able to create a career out of it. Nobody had a problem with it.
A lot of men have vocal fry in general. It becomes easier to fall into it the deeper your voice is, so naturally it's even more common in men. Noam Chomsky, Vin Diesel, Johnny Depp, Ira Glass, Bruce Willis, Tom Hardy, Howard Stern, Leonardo DiCaprio, Javier Bardem. All of them speak with oodles of vocal fry. Nobody writes think pieces about how they sound like annoying airheads.
...But you, lady-with-vocal-fry? You need to stop it immediately. For some reason.