a community dedicated to hating nestle!
Your first mistake towards sustainability is visiting Nestle in the first place. That company's existence is the opposite of sustainability.
According to a Purdue University Study dark mode can save 3 to 9% of your battery if you're on auto brightness. Let's say your average phone uses 15Wh per day (5.475 kWh per year). Let's say 5 billion people use smartphones. That's around 30 TWh for total yearly smartphone consumption.
So if everyone was using dark mode, it could save around 0.8 to 2.5 TWh a year in the best case scenario. But that is if everything on your phone was dark mode. Not sure how much time people spend browsing websites percentually.
That's around 0.1 to 2.7 times the daily electric energy production of all nuclear power plants.
The world electricity production is around 23000 TWh per year, so you could save around 0.0036% to 0.01% of yearly energy consumption by switching everyone to dark mode.
Such impactful, much environment, wow
Now calculate how many nestle wells that steal people's water that makes.
that study talks about oled displays btw, shit's not gonna change for regular backlit devices
word of the day is greenwashing, fucking engrave it into your brain -- get the words for the phenomena and all that shit
Fuck Nestlé, but technically they are right - it saves a little bit of energy and that's not a bad thing.
Yes, it's a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of energy we produce and no doubt there's better ways to save energy but heck, I'm down for doing the little things too.
Besides, it might encourage others to offer dark mode and that's no bad thing.
Again, I reiterate my opening statement: fuck Nestlé.
Yeah but when you consider that this massive show of goodwill came from the shriveled-up raisin that Ulf Schneider calls a 'heart', it's an improvement of 420%!
Fuck Nestlé and all but it is a more sustainable experience for your retinas.
So would not visiting nestle.com in the first place.
This is true, good point. Avoiding nestle is a more sustainable experience for life on earth.
On devices with OLED screens, the more pixels on the screen are lit up, the more power the screen consumes. So on the majority of smart phones these days, dark mode will slightly reduce energy consumption. Devices with LCD screens will likely show no difference, and we're talking a fairly negligible amount of power here anyway.
So you are saying nestle could contribute more by not using child labour in African cocoa plantations?
Not if Dark=Grey like on the screenshot. Needs to be proper black.
That's absolutely not true. OLED pixel energy usage is proportional to the amount of light they need to emit. Dark gray is essentially the same as black in terms of energy usage.
Not exactly. Yes dark grey will consume more power than full on "the pixel is turned off" black but it does take less energy to show a dark grey screen than a bright white one.
Lmao, says company that literally dries out local aquifers and puts that water in plastic bottles…but dArK ModE 🫠
Advertising and corporate messaging are not about being right, but only about appearing right to a sufficient number of people.
On OLED screens dark mode does actually save power. My phone switches to dark mode when I turn on battery saving mode.
It probably doesn't matter much in the grand theme of this, but let's keep the criticism factual. God knows you don't need to make up arguments to criticize Nestle.
Yeah its not that you (and Nestle) arent right, its that its such a pissingly small amount of energy even on a global scale to be laughable.
Like "Nestle, you arent wrong. You're just an asshole"
It doesnt really matter when its just a gray theme and not black then on oled the pixels are still on
They still use less power for gray than for full white... so it's "something".
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It doesn't, but Nestlé's CEO probably thinks he can use this as an excuse to enter through the Pearly Gates rather than get tossed into the pit that's reserved for him in Hell.
I don't think anyone spenda enough time on their site to make a real difference, it's all show-boating.
What's up with giant corporations and guilt tripping people into switching to dark mode? I've heard win11 does this as well.
They need to shift blame on consumers and their marketing departments have not much to work with, so probably this is one of their best ideas.
It's pure marketing.
It's a trend, so the marketing goblins follow it.
Guess what? Cycling dark mode results in over 300 requests to nestle servers, so it does use power sending all those requests