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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/scorpiorising29 on 2023-10-01 16:26:39.
Are they hoping this rule will stop them from cheating? Because it won't. If people are going to cheat, they will cheat
If they don't trust their partner, why are they with them, just screams control to soothe their insecurities
Also, surely that means they need to get rid of all their own friends who are the opposite gender to their partner because their friends would want to have sex with their partner too...
so they just be left with each other.....
Now I think about it, that level of possessiveness is a lot of people's goal.... jeez that was a whirlwind realisation
Like, one of my exes from YEARS ago demanded I stopped seeing a male friend because apparently he only hung out with me in a hopes he'd get lucky.... funny how when we broke up both of his closest mates bad mouthed him, sent me unsolicited dick pics and did their very best to get me to sleep with them.... they all fell out big time about it but apparently it was my best friend who I'd known since pre school who was the threat....