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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/IrisFromOmelas on 2023-10-02 08:11:23.
Yesterday I was walking back home from uni and some guy tried to approach me. At first he complimented my shoes then my general appearance, and when I told him up front I wasn't going to give him my number he went defensive and promised he wasn't going to ask me. I dubiously hummed and went to leave, but then he followed me and started a 10-minute long monologue about his life, his personal problems, his fiancée whom he was trying to leave but it was complicated, really he just dumped his whole life story onto my lap.
He kept saying he wasn't hitting up on me and maybe we could be friends, but while he was talking he kept trying to invite me for coffee or give me a ride in his car. I shot him down every time, and as he talked I stayed as placid as possible, giving my best impression of a microwave ("mmmmmh"), but he just kept talking and, more importantly, kept following me as I was walking home, and I did not want him to know where I lived.
I got out of the situation by texting a code word to a friend. It's a word that we specifically have for when we have to call the other immediately to get her out of situations like these. The guy still walked behind me as I was on the phone, so I faked an emergency that required me to go to my friend's place and was finally able to get rid of him.
Overall I know it turned out fine but the encounter definetely left me annoyed and tense put a damper on my day and I wish I was able to get rid of the dude before he held my leg for 15 minutes. So I was wondering if any of you knew some techniques to get rid of men who can't take no for an answer.
I've tried looking it up on google but, ironically enough, when I search things like "how to fend off men hitting on you in the street" I get things like "how to hit on a girl in the street". Haha.