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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Dry_Bus_8457 on 2023-10-04 10:32:12.
One of my friends is homeless. She isn't living on the streets, between a few of our friends (and parents ofc) she is living in guest rooms and spare beds.
Her mum decided to move across the country and friend didn't want to join her so she stayed and her mum just left her when she was 16.
Considering the circumstances, she is in a decent position. She did fail her first year of college as everything was going on but she restarted and did very well for herself, she's in her last year of college now and has had this dream to go into a particular career. One of our friends parents that do have a bit of money have offered to give her 5 grand a year in installments, no questions asked if she wants to go to university. We are in the UK so she will get the 8 grand living allowance and probably other bursaries on top of the loan. She would be stupid not to take this offer.
However I know she is also actively trying to get pregnant. She really wants kids and always had and now thinks this is her time. She is going to go for council housing and in her defence does have actual plans on making it work. But its literally just making it work. Her boyfriend is also completely useless so I can see him running as soon as it gets hard, he is also encouraging her towards the baby route.
I think she feels bad for taking and this is her way of getting out. I know she wants to go to uni and get this career, but its all of a sudden being dropped to the side.
I'm trying to be nice about the whole situation, but there is nothing I would like to do more then slap her and force her to go to university. I know its completely her choice but if I were in her shoes, even if I didnt want to go to uni I would go anyway just for the opportunities. At the very least find someone with money while at uni who you like who wants a SAHM as a partner instead of the literal most useless man you have ever met.
What would you do in this situation to help her or am I too invested in her and need to slow down and let her make these decisions by herself?