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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/kiggykiggykiggy on 2023-10-04 22:36:14.
I keep getting recommended these random shorts on YouTube about how this guy going on about “why is it so hard for a woman to apologise”…..
I watched out of curiosity, and the man in the video says that women “get upset at the angry reaction of the man” rather than “taking ownership of their behaviour and recognising the harm caused.”
I’m so incredibly confused by this because in my experience, I’m usually the one who’s apologised to the men in my life. Usually, I over apologise if anything and people tell me I say sorry TOO much.
Sure, I’m not going to sit here and pretend I’m perfect because I’m absolutely not. I make mistakes like any human and I feel like I take strides to really own those mistakes. I have upset plenty of people over my nearly 30 years but I’ve owned it and I know straight away when I’ve fucked up, especially when I’ve really hurt someone . This whole “women dodge accountability” and “don’t take ownership”…. Where has this even come from? 😹