I mean, there hasn’t really been a sense of privacy since the Patriot Act, and Snowden et al confirmed it. And the attempts at data gathering have gotten both more overt and more insidious. (Like, selfie memes, or “get to know me” prompts, or whatever- and I’m not saying these are inherently bad or always data grabs, either.)
Honestly even if you leave your phone at home someone has a phone nearby. Whether you drive to work or take an Uber or public transit or walk, you’re on security cameras and can be traced through other means.
It’s gotten bad enough that I- and I’m sure a lot of other people as well- have problems even intimating with other people, because i feel like I’m over sharing AND selling my personal information. But it’s just a regular conversation. And that’s not okay!
I’m not saying public fora can’t (or shouldn’t) be monitored, but the panopticon has got to fucking go!