its been on hiatus forever but when a houseki no kuni chapter drops i drop whatever im doing and read it.
i just want another chapter pls its been so long :(
its been on hiatus forever but when a houseki no kuni chapter drops i drop whatever im doing and read it.
i just want another chapter pls its been so long :(
It's hard to day but I think Kingdom is probably one that I look forward to the most. It's just so epic, so many crazy battles and lots of misdirection. They're not afraid to kill off a well liked character: starting early on people you expect to stick around don't.
Close tie for second is chainsaw man and one punch man
Only have time for the weekly jump releases but out of them I'd say Sakamoto Days, Witch Watch, and Undead Unluck.
Fans of UU know that it's been non-stop hits for the past few months, doing really innovative things and having the MC become an absolute girlboss without it feeling cheap/hax.
It's such an innovative and refreshing read, especially for shonens – to paraphrase a r/manga comment:
It's doing a training arc IN a tournament arc?!
Always my first click and always try to encourage people to read it (at least past the first few cringe chapters)
probably one piece for me! i still get excited about a new chapter, even after a decade of reading it
Blue box. It's weekly and it's latest chapter was great
Houseki no Kuni, only one more month till this hiatus ends.
March Comes In Like a Lion! It's incredible how this series makes me empathise with every character.
Mieruko chan but i Don't read it right away because the release are so slow so i tend to watch after a few months and binge read it.
I don't read that many tbh. I only got into it relatively recently, and the only one I'm current on is one piece.
Subbed here hoping to find some good stuff. (:
Definitely can't go wrong with One Punch Man and Chainsawman!
I watch both of those anime and I do enjoy them. I recently started berserk Manga cause it seems unanimous that the anime is crap lol.
I want to try the fullmetal alchemist Manga cause that's one of my favs.
You can't go wrong with takehiko inoue works. If you're into good art. I recommend vagabond and real.
I have never done a deep dive in this medium tbh, music is my thing, so im really looking forward to the good shit, yknow.. I've heard of vagabond fs, the others in passing. OK I'm definitely gonna check those out. Bookmarked.