I have a pair of Grado headphones that I enjoy listening with when I'm alone, but since that's rarely the case, I end up using my noise-blocking headphones more, since my surrounding environment gets so loud.
Tiny speakers for your head.
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I have a pair of Porta Pros that I take everywhere nowadays, it's actually kinda nice to hear your surroundings and I really don't listen at high enough volumes that others can even notice. They are great!
The more I use open back headphones, the more I realize just how limited I am with them. I've had a pair of AKG K240s for a decade or so, and the sound bleeds so much, there's just nowhere to listen to them that won't disturb others.
Can I ask where you got them? I've got a pair of PMX-100 (the same only a neckband rather than a headband). Neither are made anymore so are a rare find.
ebay, 4 unopened boxes, I just bought one but now wish I’d picked a couple of them up.