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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/LaikaMatsu on 2023-10-07 18:05:52.
For reference: i'm 18 years old, 5"1 and about 113 pounds. I'm not skinny but not fat either and certainly not unhealthy.
Here are some things i've been told in the past few months.
"Did your legs get fatter?"
"Why is your stomach sticking out like that at your age...that's abnormal"
"You shouldn't weigh that much, that's not normal"
"I won't stop body shaming you until you lose weight"
"Look at me. This is discipline."
"Eating dessert wonder you're fat"
Even if they say it casually, or claim it's a joke when I start getting upset, it's VERY clear that they mean it. My mom and sister don't have a single problem with my body. It's just the men in the house who love to insult me.
I thought that i'd gotten used to it and the words have long stopped affecting me, but i was just complaining about them to my mom and started crying out of nowhere. I feel so bad for myself.