The 2 parts 001 and 004 can be found for 7 days additionally here: MDAxOiBodHRwczovL3dvcmt1cGxvYWQuY29tL2ZpbGUvR1lUcXM3NHdLNkYKMDA0OiBodHRwczovL3dvcmt1cGxvYWQuY29tL2ZpbGUvcVp1RERmVlQy YmUKYXZhaWxhYmxlIHVwIHRvIDE2LTEwLTIwMjMh
Immortal Chess
This is a group which aggregates, posts, and comments on chess-related resources.
It worked wonders. Thanks so much!> MDAxOiBodHRwczovL3dvcmt1cGxvYWQuY29tL2ZpbGUvR1lUcXM3NHdLNkYKMDA0OiBodHRwczovL3dvcmt1cGxvYWQuY29tL2ZpbGUvcVp1RERmVlQy YmUKYXZhaWxhYmxlIHVwIHRvIDE2LTEwLTIwMjMh
It is a miracle! All links in my original post are available today. I did a test just now. Try your luck fast.. Even the file 001 is also available on aHR0cHM6Ly9kYnJlZS5vcmcvdi80NDQzM2U= No necessity to re-upload today.
Parts 1 and 4 still look problematic unfortunately :(
There is definitely no ransom ware in the upload for sure.
anyway to repost 215.7z.001 file...for whatever reason, this file will not download.
thanks again for posting this...
001 is already blocked by the storage provider! Second try, be quick: aHR0cHM6Ly9kYnJlZS5vcmcvdi80NDQzM2U=
Thank you very much for your awesome contribution. Unfortunately, all dbree links seem down... can you please reupload it on krakenfiles? Many, many thanks!
unfortunately still having issues d/l that 001 file. can someone who was lucky to grab it post to another site like krakenfiles or...? as always, much appreciated!
Did you manage to get something? I've got parts 2, 5 and 6...
HI GerdaVoss, you are a regular contributor to this site and I have never had problems with your contributions, but in this case my Kaspersky antivirus informs me of the danger of ransomware. I suppose it may be an antivirus error but I'm waiting for your confirmation before opening it. Thank you.