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SNOOcalypse - document, discuss, and promote the downfall of Reddit.
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This community welcomes anyone who wants to see Reddit gone. Nuke the Snoo!
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- Don't promote illegal stuff here.
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- Have fun, and enjoy the popcorn! ๐ฟ
Is it possible to use one of these tools to delete all of my comments and contributions but not my liked and saved posts? I might want to go through my liked and saved to see if I want to save anything before I delete the whole account. And I don't want to spend that much time on reddit atm.
Yes. Download redact.dev - I did it over the weekend and took a few hours to remove everything but was super easy.
Power Delete Suite has an option to not delete saved posts, although it doesn't have one for liked ones.
It also allows you to export all your content to another platform.
Note: even if you don't want to leave gibberish behind*, and just delete the content, it's wise to make PDS or Redact.dev to edit them beforehand. There have been talks about Reddit Inc. force-reinstating content against the consent of the users.
*IMO more harmful for Reddit, specially before the IPO.
I read right up until I encountered the word duty and then my now so familiar disgust overcame me and I had to back out again. Iโm just going to quote I think it was Bakunin (I have a bad habit to save quotes I like without the author lmao):
Oafs and weaklings! Every duty that they would like to impose on us we will furiously trample under our sacrilegious feet. Every shady phantom that they would place before our eyes, greedy for light, we will angrily rip up with our daringly profaning hands.
I used power delete to replace all my comments with loren ipsum. Rumor is spez is undeleting everyone's posts.
Yep, reddit management sucks.
Big time!
For me, the worst part of all this crap is how much Reddit Inc. is eager to lie to the users, with a forced smile on face, almost like saying "you're a bunch of gullible morons, aren't you?". That admin reply that you linked is a prime example of that:
Subreddits belong to the community of users who come to them for support and conversation.
Their actions show that the subreddits belong to neither the users, nor the mods: they belong to Reddit Inc.
Thank you. I am very sad about the situation though. I was never in memes subs and alike. I was mostly active in r/linuxquestions r/homelab etc.
- lemmy.ml/c/linux linux community (might get stuck on subscribe pending for a while
- lemmy.ml/c/selfhost self hosting community (might get stuck on subscribe pending for a while
- lemmy.world/c/selfhosted self hosting community
- compuverse.uk/c/selfhosting (my favourite) selfhosting community