Thank you for this! I remember when I first saw rejection sensitivity as an actual symptom of ADHD, it was definitely an aha moment for me. It put words to something I had experienced my whole life.
ADHD Women
A community for women to find support and discuss living with ADHD.
I had a very similar experience! It has been very validating to realize that there is a neurological reason why I have always been so fearful of rejection and sensitive to criticism
Wow this resonates with me so much I might actually cry.
Let's cry together then.
I have the antiplanner from her. So far I'm loving it.
I want to check it out!
Thank you for this one. Now that I know that I have ADHD I am 100% certain that my mother is as well. Like, as an adult seeing her acting on her rejection sensitivity - even before I knew what it was - really helped med reflect on my own rejection sensitivity. My mother suffers from this in a severe way. I've explained to her what Rejection Sensitivity Disorder is, so she knows about it. I'll probably take this image and translate on top of it, then share it to her. Her English is not her best.
It's so sweet of you to translate it for her.