Patch 6.5 - Future-proofed the entire modpack, at least in terms of textures.
Patch 6.5 Update: Fixed E. Dosis II & III, Dyskrasia I, Dyskrasia II, Zoe, Toxikon II and its texture related issues. Also repackaged the entire modpack into one Advanced Modpack with all the options
Patch 6.4 Update: Fixed everything the patch broke (including the new radius of some skills), repacked everything into the All in one as an advanced modpack.
Finally got to doing Sage! This one took me a little longer than expected since it required heavy texture creation/editing outside FFXIV. Sage is a really good fit to convert it to a Nier themed job and I think the overall theme is pretty strong on this one. Dosis III features 3 different versions for you to pick, one styled to resemble 9S Hijacking VFX and the other two are in general Nier themed. My next Nier job is probably going to be a DPS!
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