※Left-handed Only!
V1.01:Remove the gauss barrel of Lightning Shot from full patch.
V1.02:fix the bug that "sheathe the weapon" will impact other jobs.
Added a fix pack for penumbra users who cannot solve the draw problem,and update the Tips document.
V1.03:◆fix the issue of Elezen&Lalafell's ears when you are using IVCS skeleton at same time.
◆fix the separate pack of "Interject"&"Superbolide"haven't voice gender options.
◆fix the issue of Lalafell's devil horns is too small during "No mercy"
◆Dance music of emotes -"Victory" will now also be interrupted when you interrupt the movements.
◆Optimized “Demon Slice”'s animation.
V1.04:add a new icon for “Release Royal Guard”
V1.05:fix the vfx of [Heart of light] for game version 6.4
□Fix texture bug and other bug for game patch 6.5
□Slightly adjusted the vfx rhythm of [Keen edge] and [Brutal shell].
※V1.07 ◆Completely fixed draw issue. ◆Modified the position and angle of the weapon on sheathe state.
※how to use All icon remove assist pack for textools:
install it after finishing install all full pack,then disable the icon remove pack.
The mod is for GNB skills.Inspired by Nero.
All Equipment and Mounts models will be publicly available for free. Just for the convenience of packaging.