dodged a bullet there, I bitched and cried about the sale so much
Football / Soccer / Calcio / Futebol / Fußball
Damn Milan got really lucky, they sold him right before this shitshow lol.
If he does really have a problem, I hope he will be mandated to go through some class or program to fix it.
What a waste of
Milan for sure know this gonna happen 😂
Fuck the football governing bodies. Who actually cares if all he did was play blackjack and place bets on his own team to win. This shit is so wild. Power tripping ass mfs.
Shame, such a silky player, another to prison-XI lol
My man is giving the whole group chat over to the fuzz, he better get a light sentence out of the bargain.
Least vile Newcastle player still
From a fan of a team with two players with assault/rape allegations against them that’s an interesting take.
The level of betting and advertisement is alarming.
Did Tonali also bet on getting the lengthy ban?
Not surprising, anyone signing for Newcastle have questionable morality to begin with
Betting on own games, signing for dirty Saudi money.. greed
Idk, Sunderland did sign Adam Johnson so….
I don’t fucking get it. You make tens of thousands a week and still feel the need to gamble? I’ll never understand.
That’s why they call it an addiction lol
Flashback to the Magpie preseason claiming they had the best midfield with Guimares-Joelinton-Tonali
Worst Signing of All Time?
It's almost like meee-lan had a premonition of this coming to light after his 1000th bet and thought legs dangle the carrot and see what we can catch. Got a jolly gordie on hook, line and sinker.
Could be worse tho, could be like man utd and buy any old tosh and their baggage.
Semi fun fact: when I worked at a betting company in Rome, one common visitor was Christian Panucci's (former Milan, Real Madrid, Inter, As Roma player) brother.
He didn't really bet that much (few hundreds), and he didn't really win much.
But some of my colleagues told me that when his brother was playing and he was betting...he still lost money.
Anyway what the brother was doing at the time was borderline illegal I think.
What would have happened if he bet on his team to lose or same fine?
I just don't get it. If you want to gamble why do you HAVE to gamble on football?
Only saving grace for him is that he bet on his own team to win based on the evidence provided so far so it may be deemed that he wasn't complicit in match fixing.