I created this magazine if anyone is interested. I could always use some help with content!
A relaxed section for uncategorized discussion. Post a question, share some advice, let us know how your week is going, etc.
@MyMulligan Planning to add a few articles. Daily post. Weekly themed things. Things to get people talking.
Today's breakfast is Fried Tofu and Rice, with some salt. Simple but delicious.
Love flavorful rice!
In the begining I was rolling through the subs that I'm interested in that weren't getting a lot of engagement and posting something, and trying to engage with some other content that was on there. I'm doing it when I have time. Hopefully others are doing the same.
We're getting there, it def feels as though these instances have more legs than the Twitter Masto experience in the fall. Just gotta keep engaging and sharing content. The emphasis though should be on engaging on pre-existing content, with meaningful comments. Just dropping in and saying "interesting article" probably isn't going to be helpful.
Correct on that. Every magazine/community needs wise souls sharing their knowledge and insights on things. Ask Historians and some science subreddits were a big draw for that.
We could also use good story tellers who make for some interesting reading in the comments.
Given time all of that will happen here.
It would be nice to have assurances that if the instance you are on goes dark then another instance can take care of you and your stuff. I don't know enough about the concept and workings to know if that's the case.
my boardgames post has so much interaction
I'm actively looking into getting the kbin project installed locally so I can get some UI/UX pull requests going. I've given it a good go today but keep running into issues getting it set up, I've already logged a report and joined a forum with other devs but everyone is busy AF with their own thing so I guess all I can do is wait :(
It sucks to to be stuck.
If randomly there's a person on here who's familiar with docker and yarn I could use all the help I can get!
I’m somewhat decent with both of those but I think I should try to install it myself first ;)
I really hope this works out. I'll start trying to post more frequently.
kbin, lemmy, saidit, aagh I've established so many logins everywhere to try to replace the void that uSpez has created in my life, and this "fediverse" is complex & unsatisfying to my idle mind that just wants to relax in idle moments.
am eating MealSquares for breakfast. it's new-age complete nutrition in a brownie. i live on this stuff & it's amazing. i'm thin, fit, healthy, & i feel fantastic. effortless nutrition. Sorry if i sound like an ad. i'm not. You asked what I'm having for breakfast.
I started yesterday. Liking it so far, blocking some magazines that are maybe for teens.
My question is about comments. When I'm on kbin and browse a different instance's communities, I'll see comments, but when I switch instances to say lemmy.world there'll be more comments or entirely different comments.
Are comments only local to your instance?
I created and mod three magazines for topics I'm very interested in. I am also pretty much the only one who posts links/microblogs in them, but I figure if I keep it up enough, others will find the content and start contributing as well.
What are you doing to help your community?
I've joined the new equivalents of the coule of major communities I was very active in, and have been trying to contribute to conversations instead of just lurking. I know when I joined it was a little disheartening to see so little activity/content. If newcomers are going to stay, there needs to be both!
How do you go from lurking to contributing?
That's a good question. I make it a point to comment on any post I find slightly interesting, and to try and make it a discussion-based comment, not one that just dead-ends immediately.
As far as as posting goes, I'm still working on that one. Reddit was a source of a lot of news and such for me, so I'm slowly getting new sources for that to share.
I think for a lot of people, it's easier to contribute here because the overall user base is so much smaller and it feels like you have a voice, whereas on Reddit even fairly prominent community members could still get drowned out on their community's subreddits by all the noise.
Spreading the word?
I've been talking to friends about my recent shift into the Fediverse and why it's a good concept and how my experience has been. They seem interested in the concept, but aren't bothered by Reddit's actions, so they probably won't jump ship. Not going to be pushy about it, just want people to know how cool the concept is, you know?
Also, what's for breakfast?
Just woke up, so I'm still deciding. Most likely eggs and toast!
I'm honestly just trying to post content to communities I'm interested in. If people show up and there's no content they'll just leave. I'm trying to submit interesting posts.
One thing has always amazed me about social media, you never know what will catch the community's interest. My rule is if I find it interesting and I have the time, then up it goes. Thanks for your many posts.
I'm doing my part. I'm posting on here and created a new magazine. Sure it's not the most active but there's only so much I'm gonna do about it.
Also, what’s for breakfast?
toast and coffee, as (almost) always
Sort by new, comment and subscribe to communities on other servers. That seems the easiest way to doing something "cheap".
Sorting by New and All is the best way to find active communities and magazines. I'm hoping that my subscribed list becomes as active as New currently is.