sorting by new works better for me, or if you are looking for a more active discussion try sorting by new comments.
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New is a bit too new if you see what I mean. Maybe I need to try it for a bit longer. New comments I haven't tried much let me give it a go.
I'll echo advice from an early Redditor from around 2010 in response to my complaint that was similar to yours: spend time upvoting and downvoting in the New feed. Not Hot. Not Trending. New.
I'd argue the bottleneck limiting step in the chemical reaction that is a link aggregator (be it Digg, Reddit, or Lemmy) is the number of conscious people at any one time who are engaged in upvoting / downvoting content with few votes.
So, yes, it's a civic duty and chore in any forum to patrol the New feed. New, by it's nature, is a slurry of mostly uninteresting low quality noise compared to the amplified main feed. But if you feel even a little bit of guilt at using a free service you're not donating to, you can alleviate some of that guilt by voting in New.
That's a very valid point and it's definitely going to make me spend more time in new up/downvoting.
It's a known issue, the background worker responsible for figuring out what posts are hot or active crashes and stops updating.
I view all new and it's been a little slower but loosely equivalent to when I'd sort by top->this hour. Obviously it's a bit broader and you'll get wackier shit because it's all and not just places you've subscribed to, but it's been scratching a similar itch and I've been able to stay away from Reddit.
I have high hopes that this will continue to grow and I'll be able to eventually switch to subscribed, but I believe we're quite a ways from that right now. But then I've only been here a week.
My main fix is the comments, so with new I find a lot more content for sure, but it's all 0 comments.
Change sorting by new. Then you will see newer posts. It seems that default sort prefers too old posts.
So it would indeed be an algorithm thing? And expected? Let's hope it gets a bit snappier!
That's a known bug that will be fixed with the next update.
Oooh that's great to hear!