Wait, are you the guy who makes sure every can in the store has a dent in it?
Engineering Memes
Memes about engineering for all disciplines.
General Rules:
- No hate speech
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- Must be a meme/joke/observation/attempt at humour
- Must be engineering related (software engineer humour probably better suited for programmer humour communities, though not explicitly banned)
Me in the store when I see an undented can
Most normal engineer
Four years just gets you the other degree that you need before you can start getting the degree.
I had forgotten that Toy Story inserted the carpet from The Shining as an easter egg.
I appreciate you, can boy
Wait till they find out they’re barely qualified to do plumbing design. Kids with MS get to run calcs for pressurized systems
You can build a light buster still. What is stopping you?
Is that like the buster sword for FF7 but in lightsaber form?
Don't be silly. It's Mega Man's Mega Buster that shoots deadly light pulses.
Or like the buster used by Buzz Lightyear in the image...
Isn't that Porygon you're thinking of?
Why are you looking for a lightsaber at the soup factory? https://youtu.be/r_o2hhSgfJ8?si=Wyy7Fuc3E0nhdjFv
You're working for the wrong can manufacturer, engineering degrees rarely stay in operations for long.