lol dude has always been such a fucking joke. of course he's now a "real estate developer"
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I thought Clausen was going to be so good lol
Biggest L on “falling for the hype” I think I’ve ever had. Maybe second to Sebastian Telfair
It's just that persnickety smugness
Good for him
Don’t blame him for over charging for something you don’t want to give up. Clausen is still a douche in general though
".... I called the equipment manager, I said 'I'm rockin' with No. 1.' I made an ode to myself, I said, 'That will be the last time that Jimmy Clausen will ever be heard of in Carolina.'"
The article quotes Newton as saying "I made an ode to myself". I wasn't sure if he just used the word wrong, or actually wrote a song or poem about himself just for that occasion.
Turns out the article was wrong, and Newton actually says "oath". But I liked the idea of him making an ode to himself over that.
Who the fuck is Jimmy Clausen? Bruh you went 2-14 and they hated your ass.
I get that we all hate Clausen (understandably), but this is an incredibly common practice. Players charge for numbers all the time.
Personally I think it's rude to even come in as a rookie and ask for someone else's number at all. It's just a number, pick another one.
Cam is like, you know how many old lady clothes and hats I can buy with 1 Million?
Yeah, that pretty much lines up with what I’ve heard about Jimmy Clausen.
Sounds just like Pickles. Fucking punk
I remember when he was asking people to pay $10 a week for ads on his website. Choad.
Jimmy is one of those athletes you can't wait to hear went bankrupt
He should have told the front office to shop that bum out and took the number anyway.
If I was the quarterback there, and they just drafted my replacement, I'd be a dickhead to him too
Surprised he isn’t working at McDonald’s lol .., as a ND fan he holds no love in my heart ❤️
Friendly reminder that Marc Trestman benched Jay Cutler for this dolt in Chicago and tried to pass it off as "best for the team". No wonder his players turned on him in a hurry after that.