Jimmy Pickles, master negotiator.
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Actually what he said was, "KÏŠŠ M¥ ÅŠŠ"
Lol Jimmy Clausen clearly never watched how this worked out in Ballers.
in like the 3rd grade i would always check out the same book from the library i remember sam Bradford and Clausen had a whole page dedicated to who will be a general talent i havent heard his name since then until today
I mean Jimmy probably knew he’d need the money.
Jokes aside, isn’t this more likely because if jimmy changed his number he’d have to buy the inventory of existing jerseys?
Jimmy, you are a 2nd string quarterback, why advertise it?
This whole things just reads as “two assholes interact, assholery ensues”
Who here members when Mil Kiper said he'd retire if Clausen wasn't a successful NFL QB? I member.
No one cares
That's Jimmy Pickle for ya
I was a massive Panthers fan growing up and the Jimmy Clausen year was the worst year I've ever had cheering for a sports team. And I've watched the Timberwolves for 15 years so that's really saying something.
"and I said to myself, that'll be the last time anyone ever heard of Jimmy Clausen in North Carolina"
fuck i miss cam
Cam needs to be back in the league. I miss him 😭
I remember hearing something about that so yeah I believe it.
Mad respect from Cam on this one.
Jimmy Clausen is a huge piece of shit and I can tell you that from personal experience. I worked for a collegiate program that played against Notre Dame and during pre-game warmups he said “nice catch, asshole” to one of our student assistants who had dropped one of the punts they had been fielding. Ever since then I’ve taken delight in the trajectory of his career. Takes a special kind of dude to needlessly shit on some random team staffer.
Fuck, I miss prime Cam.
The motherf---er comes back and said, 'OK bro, I talked to my people, we'll do it for $750,000
This is the best part. Clausen checked with "his people" before lowering the price
“Pickles” has to be my fav nickname for a player ever, the double entendre is perfect.
Just a reminder for people who tried to claim Cam picked #1 because of narcissism or whatever other nonsense
Oh wow. Notre Dame legend Jimmy Clausen!!
Fucking pickles
One of my old neighbors used to go to high school with Jimmy. She said he was an absolutely arrogant prick. On his MySpace he put “The LeBron James of football” on his profile. What a melt.
I’ll never forget Pickles’ rookie season. That O-Line abused the hell out of him. He had to have had a concussion every week with the way he was getting sacked.
Lol man, Jimmy just keeps seeming like the biggest Notre Dame dildo. It's a number of a jersey and, oh, Jimmy you fucking suck.
The kid whose parents bought him a house across from campus had to make his nfl money somehow… I say it’s a heady play
FWIW Clausen wore #7 at Notre Dame, but couldn’t get it so he settled with #2. He did this to Cam purely out of spite lmao
Kinda don't blame Jimmy. No way I'd give my number to a guy also trying to take my job.
Isn’t there a fee for changing numbers in the NFL? Something about jersey sales?
Could care less about Jimmy, but his wife is fineee
This is the best thing I'll read about the Panthers this season.
Jimmy Clausen... Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time... a long time...
To be fair, I think you have to pay for all the jerseys that are on sale. And Clausen did start the season prior so I assume that the cost for that would be something. .
The worst qb I’ve EVER seen
Still waiting for Kiper to retire, like he said he would if Clausen isn't good.
The thing is the motherfucker changed his number the next year.
Oh that Jimmy Clausen and his persnickety smirkness
Honestly number 1 fits cam better
There are so many ways to do this better than Clausen did and make it a team camaraderie thing or a charity thing... like say OK I want 100k for the number and then donate it to a charity Cam has been involved with. Or say you can have the number but you gotta buy everybody on the team a $1000 watch or pay the bill for a team dinner or something.
The PR and teammate opportunities are endless and it comes off so much better and less sleazy than "If you want the number so bad then give me money."
I say this every time something about him gets posted, I MISS CAM.
Also a/o to jimmy clausen for being so bad we got Cam.
I'll never forget when this dude started a game for the Bears against the Hawks and they punted on literally every single drive of the game.
Jimmy “Santa Clausen is not comin’ to town.”
appropriate response
Clausens whole career was a big #2 though.
What a douche.
Two privileged asses were asses. I do not care.
Why are people shitting on clausen for this? If my team drafted a dude #1 overall to replace me I’d make him pay out the ass to take my number.