It is nothing like they present it to be. Everyone wants to watch Peyton and Eli talk about the game. Peyton and his Omaha Productions have to siphon every dollar they can out of this by having people shill garbage on the show. Peyton pretends to care about the game of football while injecting a real life ad that no one cares about. It will be one of those "what could have been" things that's just going to disappear. I can't say that I feel the least bit sorry for him.
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Guests were fun when they were brief and football related, and when they had good insight on the game. I’d rather listen to normal commentary than Arnold shill his book for 10 minutes.
It’s for casuals, not for ppl here. Not that I would know why casuals would enjoy it either
I got out 4 wks into season 1 because there was so much garbage being mixed into a good alt broadcast. Sounds like it’s gotten worse trying to fish for viral moments or whatever, along with it being an ad fest
My problem is the guests and I feel like it’d work a lot better if they were in the same room. I have no problem with celebrity guests but please put in some that actually want to watch the game. Like maybe 2 guests are fans of the teams and have them them tell stories of how they became fans. Like (for example) get Tim Robinson and Guy Fieri who are Lions and Raiders fans respectively.
As MMA fan, I was interested to see that Dana White was joining. However, the actual interview showed he has little to no knowledge of football. The whole interview was pretty awkward and that’s the extent of their interviews I’d seen. If they do those celebrities interview often then I would get tired of it.
Despite a small minority of people have a fervent hatred for Joe Buck, Buck and Aikman are pretty well liked and the best broadcasting duo imo. People are probably just watching them.
Back when the ESPN crew sucked more people would watch the mannings
They honestly suck. I thought it was really great at first, but there's too much dead air, the cameos are awkward, and Peyton comes across like he's a dickhead 100% more times than I thought he would. It plays like a twitch stream but it's on national television. They have the means to make it work but they don't know what they're doing. It worked when espn had dogshit announcers on the main channel but now that it's buck and aikman I'd rather listen to them instead of dead air and a B celebrity plugging their oatmeal or some shit while they pretend to know anything about what's happening with a 3 second delay on each response.
Talk football and people would stay tuned.
They’re boring asf. Happy for them though they had a good run
I would love a show that had a lot of really detailed and insightful analysis from former players as the game played out live.
I have no interest in former players trying to be late night talk show hosts.
The show peaked with Shannon Sharpe yelling "KICK WHAT?"
NFL for some reason doesn’t realize most of their viewers do indeed watch the games for…football. Not to see Kevin Hart plug his new shitty movie. As soon as ther golden boys in Kansas City got the Taylor Swift bump, they jumped the shark big time and are alienating a lot of real fans. It almost feels like for some games, the football is background music for whatever bullshit they’re trying to shove in your face. Most people watching a Jets/Chargers Monday Night game aren’t watching for the spectacle, fyi.
This shit jumped the shark long ago
Never watched it
The shitty guests ruin it so much
Play by play announcing is important to me.
I turn on the Manningcast very rarely just to get a glimpse of it, but they would have to be unreasonably funny/insightful to make me give up a play by play announcer.
I’m an absolute die hard nfl fan who loves the manning brothers and I never made it past the first manningcast. To me it always felt like they missed
They had a good thing going and are ruining it with boring guests that talk about anything but the game.
More and more viewers leave and don’t bother coming back when they do that.
The resent games haven't been very good.
Turns out people might actually just want to watch the game.
They need to be in the same room together. They are always stepping on each other's words. I don't want Manning take, I want to feel like I'm in a man cave watching football with the Brady killer bunch.
Literally love the show but for me I want to be able to see the game at all times on the screen. I don’t mind seeing them on the screen just keep the game on the screen. They are funny and the show is great they just cut away from the game to much
No more celebrity cameos please. Players/coaches are fine as long as they’re engaged with the game and not talking about what they had for dinner.
This game has major playoff implications, so lets talk to Ray Romano about his new comedy with Tim Allen. So you're a pair of dads over 60, is that right?
At this point it's not like hanging with friends watching football, it's like watching rich people watch football and sell you shit and talk about anything but the game.
Sorry but I'd rather drink beers and eat wings with the bros and have fun than be bored to literal death watching these two and their guests.
One big ad. And you gotta pay to see the show? Yeah.. no.
How do I watch if I wanted to? I have YouTube tv...
They need to do this in a studio, and make guests come to them. The audio delays, the talking over each other, the staring up at screens like the guest is looking at stars, never flows as it should. One guest a game.
I'd watch it if I could-- but ESPN is not transparent or upfront about pricing/packages.
They should be in the same room
It's the split screen and the bottom line for me. You barely can even see the game.
Get it off espn so they don’t have to be censored and stop the stupid fucking ads and people would love it
Best guest so far was Aaron Rodgers, regardless of what you think of him personally. They talked football and it was entertaining. They need to have former players. Thats really the only time i get excited
I got stuck watching it one time as it was the only stream available and it was SO bad. Barely even talk about the game at all, it was like trying to watch a game while a random YouTube video plays over it.
I don’t like the Manning cast. I like hearing the crowd noise and the “football sounds” instead of guys talking.
Fitzmagic was an awesome guest, they had a great balance of discussing the play with expert insight but also throwing in humor
Please don’t drop them….I can’t stand listening to Buck
I don't care for the guests. I want to hear Peyton and Eli talk football, and it's too full of fluff. I don't think I've watched an entire ManningCast since the first season.
I’d watch it but it’s not on tv.
The answer is obvious. THEY NEED TO HAVE T SWIFT ON THE SHOW
They are terrible interviewers. Peyton takes his job way to serious. And afraid to do anything to upset ESPN man crumbles and apologizes if any tiny thing is wrong. The chemistry is off because of video call lag. Not sure why it’s so hard for two brothers to sit in one room together for 1 day a week.
Games are on too late for me
I have never watched this and still have 0 interest in watching.
Everytime I've tried to watch on ESPN+ it's no longer there?
I love it when it's them or with a football guest
The celebrities have turned me off regular viewing though
Weird comment but I feel like I can't hear them well.
I hadn't seen any since week 1? It doesn't help that every week I tried to watch MNF was the week they took off. Doing it only every other week makes it inconsistent. Plus, the program name on ESPN2 isn't even Manningcast on comcast, so I never recognized it was on. Once I found an ESPN2 broadcast on an off week, I never checked ESPN2 again. Had Manningcast been in the title, I would have seen it right beside ESPN's MNF.
Imagine that
I never watch them but getting 2 HOF (not eli IMO but close enough) to talk about football should be for football nerds who want in depth, technical players from the horses mouth.
Their audience is not the TSwift fans who wanna learn more about Kelce and maybe a little football talk..
Sounds like they are ruining a good thing by trying to make it something it's not
In third year learning about ManningCast for the first time via a reddit post ragging on it. Didn't know it existed before and with all these hot takes will definitely not be looking for it in the future. Good job marketing team.
It's either just the brothers or them and a current or retired football player. No more boring celebrity's