Less celebrities more football ppl and in a perfect world they were in person in a studio together
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
Noone wants to listen to these guys anymore. Peyton especially is not interesting anymore
Their guests seem to forget there’s a football game being played.
I enjoyed Shannon Sharpe on there cause it felt like 3 guys just talking about football as it was happening
I really like Eli's commentary. My only advice for him is to close his mouth when he is not talking. It's always a gape.
I can’t find it in Canada
I want to watch the game, not a podcast with the game playing in the background.
It was a cool SCHTICK at first. Now it’s just getting old and annoying. Somewhat like the hosts. Sorry not sorry.
The focus should never really get off football or the game.
it's football show, keep it about football
it's dead simple shit
The first few games when it started where great. A lot of football talk and former players. Then it QUICKLY got turned into celebs coming on to endorse something and not talk any football at all.
Anyone remember Conan's Clueless Gamer segment? It was great when it was 2 guys with chemistry talking about playing the video game. Then they decided to bring in celebrities to "improve" the segment and it ended up killing it. The same thing is happening with the Manningcast.
They really need to get them in the same room together.
I just wanna see two dudes who know the game on a ridiculous level just root their hearts out for the offense at all times… and Eli to say the most hilarious shit that I’m 100% convinced he doesn’t mean as a joke lol
Tbh, I think a lot of people have cancelled cable and it’s ridiculously hard to watch Monday Night Football. Sure, the show isn’t what it was and overall this season of football isn’t that good but that has to be a contributing factor.
brady was great on the show. talked shit and went down to diagnose plays of the game right after. need people who actually play football.
I still enjoy it even if I prefer the times with no guests
Shit! I forgot this was on…
I think the ManningCast would be better as a separate post-game show. It's often hard to follow the game while watching them, so I watch the regular broadcast instead. And it's not like ESPN has something better to air after the game. They just go to filler.
The clips I see from it after the game are entertaining, but I’m honestly not sure who their target audience is. If I care anything about the game, then I’m watching the main broadcast. If I don’t care about the game, then I’m doing something else completely unrelated.
It’s bound to happen
So? I'd rather watch it OTA than pay for ESPN anyway. If I have to pay for it, why would I want to watch Omaha Steaks and his brother mild sauce talk through the whole thing?
lol… I fucking love it.
Also did anyone catch Peyton’s set up joke about the Jets last night on the CMAs?
Because it’s awkward and not interesting
The last ManningCast I saw the Giants were on and Eli looked visibly upset a few times. I actually felt sad because you could tell he was trying to do the whole impartial viewer thing but just wanted to drop a "what the actual FUCK, Daboll?!".
I think the initial magic of it has worn off. It felt too much like a tv show instead of a game. I prefer the traditional broadcast. (Even though Troy aikman fucking sucks)
So boring. Rather listen to drunk idiot Joe Buck.
Maybe if they focused on the god damn game I’d watch. The goal is to watch a football game. If you want to be our commentators, cool I’m all for it with your knowledge. But to make it to where you’re not even paying attention? Just not watchable for a live show if you like either team. They need to fix how they broadcast it because every time it feels like a YouTube video with Peyton’s noggin taking up one half, Eli 3/5, and the rest, the actual game, that’s a little sliver bunched in so that you can barely tell it’s a game. A new show runner or producer is drastically needed
Lost their mojo. Think they should stop with most guests.
I don't watch because all the ways od accessing ESPN suck balls. ESPN + doesn't even include actual ESPN.
Because it’s the worst thing in sports television.
This is basically twitch for adult men. Why the f do you wanna watch the manning watch a game lol. Truly dystopian.
Too many guests… having a guest each quarter is not necessary at all.
More Will Farrel and make it slippy
I think the initial novelty of it has worn off. It felt too much like a tv show instead of a game. I prefer the traditional broadcast. (Even though Troy aikman fucking sucks)
I tried to watch this stupidity. WTF?! Seriously bruh. They're not entertaining and watching two people just cheer and sit quietly at times etc is do lame. LAME!
Completely misreading why your show is unique and fun is just classic. No one wants to hear a celebrity interview when Eli and Peyton could be talking about the game itself
I’ve only watched it a couple of times but I liked it when it was just those two watching and talking about it. Stop having guests
They need to book Bill Burr forever
I love the Manning Cast,
I’d watch it if I wasn’t working every Monday they’re on and I’m off when they aren’t on
Everybody with common sense knows thatp the problem is that the show became inundated with guests that literally no one cares about while they’re trying to watch Eli and Peyton chat shit about a football game, but something tells me the network may take the opposite message.
Even if they do get it, it may be too late. I’d rather just watch Troy and Buck at this point.
Stop doing guests
I’m gonna say it, I dislike the manning cast.
The novelty has worn out. I’d rather watch a best of at the end of the season then watch a full manningcast game (unless my teams being blown out)
I wish the football game in the background had a little more to do with the show.
Byebye guests. Easy save, considering its for the football dorks anyways. Give us our football dorks.
No more guests. Literally 0
It's either just the brothers or them and a current or retired football player. No more boring celebrity's