Mine is that Breaking Bad, The Wire and The Sopranos - often touted as the 'big three' TV shows simply hold no interest to me. I recognise that they're all done very well and probably at the peak of their genre, but I don't really like crime, gangster and especially police shows.
A community for discussion of anything related to Television via broadcast or streaming!
Geofencing is utter fucking bullshit.
Kill all the regions or we keep pirating!
Andy Samberg is obnoxious as a lead of anything, and Brooklyn 99 is unwatchable because of him.
Halo wasn't that bad, and was probably in a higher tier of television than the tie-in books were of novels, or even just sci-fi novels.
Similarly, Foundation was never gonna get filmed in anything like its book form, and it would be unwatchable if it were.
She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel are fun and good.
Hopefully not that hot of a take, but Girls5eva is a hidden gem.
Archer is nicely coasting to its finale and never went too far down the road of Flanderization or treating the characters as interchangeable zinger delivery systems (well, not more than it ever did). Also, the Coma seasons are really cool.
Moving pictures are a mistake. We peaked with old-time radio dramas.
Streaming has already become cable 2.0
ross carried the show and the other friends were just in his orbit
also, the original cut of arrested development season 4 is superior in every way, and the season as a whole is pretty good. season 5 is borderline unwatchable, tho
Shows on streaming services are just fancy soap operas.
What's your definition of "soap opera"?