I think it’s funny that you reference a case against the patriots alleging they were stealing signs, and this is your proof that the NFL is fixed. If it’s fixed, why do they need to cheat? Lol
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
I've had similar thoughts. Ever notice that in prime time games if one team is blowing out another the refs start calling more penalties against the winning team to leave the door open for an exciting comeback or a more entertaining closer game? How about when covid hit why was it that it was such a priority for sports teams to keep playing? It's because if we aren't entertained then we'd start uniting against the corporations and governments that are ruining this world and so damaging to everyday people's lives, mental health, and prosperity! The status quo must be maintained at all costs.
Dude I watched the broncos get beat by 50 as an island game on Christmas. Get out of here with this middle school brain nonsense
“All the biggest games go against where the public bets”
Sounds like you have a foolproof money making system, how’s that working out for you?
The Third Circuit court case deeming the NFL is "sports entertainment" and not "sport."
This is entirely fictitious. There is no legal distinction between these two terms, nor did any court deem this to be so.
Which was there as an outlet for the masses so they stopped questioning what the emperor was doing
This is entirely fictitious. Roman circuses were race venues the predate the Empire. If you're talking about gladiator combat, that predates the Empire as well.