How's his public opinion/polls before the election? Was it close against his rival?
Football / Soccer / Calcio / Futebol / Fußball
An incumbent president conceding defeat in a reportedly close race isn't as normal as you would hope. Good on him for doing the right thing for his country and the people.
I was reading Weah’s Wikipedia page the other day and it says he was the first president to take over in a peaceful transition of power in Liberia’s history.
Hopefully that keeps going after the next guy too
I mean just look at the Trump 2020 fiasco. Even first world countries can be thrown to the brink of anarchy if the president gets a bit dictatorial. This guy won the highest individual footballing achievement and now he’s doing one of the hardest things a president can do, conceding defeat. Absolute chad.
Weah giving 'Why are you gae?' vibes in that picture
President d'or
Just curious. How did he perform as President to lose a close election?
And his son’s injured too, it must suck
Timothy Weah 2032.