Very cool. Thanks!! I will save some tiles next time I’m going out fly fishing :)
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
Got an idea for next month's banner?
Thanks for making and sharing this. I know I'll use it. I keep discovering features. I'm glad you've got the Basemaps imagery on there.
In terms of offline use, does it keep low-res tiles of the whole country for offline use, with the option to download individual tiles when you're zoomed in? That's how it seems to work.
Basically, it just caches anything you've looked at, and nothing else :)
If you try and zoom in further than it has cached data, it'll use a lower res version, if it has one.
OK, cool. What does the little download button that shows up when you zoom in do?
It downloads the visible area up to a higher zoom level, which should let you zoom/pan around a bit more when you're offline
Nice! I'm always downloading a topo map offline on my phone before going on a hike, e.g. NZ Topo Map. App isn't very user friendly, would be cool to have a better one.
Ah yeah, I actually used to used that one too! is pretty good too, but their topo maps aren't quite as good as the LINZ ones.
Make sure you look at the area you're going to be in (in before trying to use it offline, or everything will be really low res.
Some features it supports:
- measuring distance and drawing tracks
- generating elevation profiles (using the LINZ elevation API)
- automatically caches areas you've viewed for offline use
- viewing mountains and routes from
- viewing doc huts
- live weather (scraped from Metservice)
The source code is available here: