I’m genuinely devastated. One of the worst possible knee injuries you can get and at 19. Any teenage player that suffered a Meniscus + ACL injury who bounced back? :(
Football / Soccer / Calcio / Futebol / Fußball
Oh fuck off. Fuck everything. This shit fucking sucks
I wish Barca gets relegated, obviously.
But never wish injuries on any player!
That really sucks and I hope he recovers well!
awful everything :(
Is him being very young part of the problem, aka playing so much at a very young age, while his body is still developing? I mean, were he had a completely developed knee could have saved him of the injury?
I mean, I keep seeing kids‘ careers ended or ruined after playing a lot at the highest level (the-once-exceptional Fati being the other player that comes to mind). Maybe they should be forced by rules to NOT play so much?
Well, I probably make no sense. But I love Gavi and I’m honestly devastated by this news. His injury is a tragedy for world football in general and Spain especially.
Is is possible to have an artificial knee implant and play football at the top level?
Barca and ruining budding superstars with overuse: name a more iconic duo
Fucking hurts my heart despite being a rival fan, I cannot bear to see young players with great talent and potential being hindered like that. Fuck FIFA & UEFA forever, inhumane schedules.
This Will imapct heavily his career cause his whole playstyle is build on agression, acceleration, agility, shifts or direction...another victim of the UEFA and FIFA greed
Damn. I wish him a quick recovery. With the effort he had put in for Barca this season I felt like at times dude is 1.3x player for the team.
Man, that's messed up.
More games, we all need more greed games!
So he's OK for Saturday?
ITT: Redditors giving their war stories
He may never be the same and this is Barcas fault for running these young players into the ground.
Hate to see it, get well soon.
Fati, Pedri, Gavi, and there are a few more. I just was listening to an interview by Javier Clemente. Having literal boys playing agianst grown men week end and week out and not being eased into the process is exactly the result you get now. The game goes beyond just skill there is a physicality aspect and these boys are not going to be able to handle it.
Many ACL injuries lately fucking sucks
I'm going to be positive and say that I hope he will fully recover, but probably the only player in the world it might be good for him if he will be a little less quicker. Xavi will have to stop playing him on the left wing
Knees are going out lads
It's fucking horrible
Give me more international matches
poor guy but at least won’t affect barca’s form at all
I’ve been waiting 6 months for my meniscus tear surgery and this dude gets it the same week. I realize he’s a professional but common
Barca is fucked
Horrible. My prayers for his speedy recovery 🙏
not sure what happened with him, but saw tons of people saying online how he is always putting himself at risk of major injury with his play style
Guess Barcelona and Spain didn't learn anything from Pedri's injuries a couple of years back.