Personally, I find that researching games on the internet can be really fun. I get analysis paralysis pretty badly (I'm the guy who is always worried he will be out of consumables when he needs them so he never uses them in the first place!) so researching a little beforehand helps me enjoy myself more. I don't need to min/max the fun out of a game, but knowing I'm on the right track is really good for my enjoyment levels.
And this is very much a me thing, and that's okay. We play games to have fun so play the way that's the most fun for you. If you don't like doing research before you play, but the game seems to require it, then play something else. It's okay to not like a game. (I wasn't super into BG3... shhh! Don't tell the internet or they will burn me alive! Good game, but not for me.)
Personally, I really like rogue-lites these days. They're games where you are meant to replay them and every run will be randomized in some way so that each one ends up being unique. (Hades, FTL, Nova Drift, those sorts of games.) The randomness makes it so that there's no WRONG way to play, just better or worse choices for a given run, which takes that "stress" of making a wring choice away for me.
You gotta find what floats your boat and don't worry about the other games.