Kannattaa katsoa roskapostikansiot läpi. Mun Gmail oli laittanut viestin sinne.
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Google and especially Microsoft are pretty bad with blocking or hellbanning entire IP blocks. If the email is ran as some self-hosted docker service, it's probably the reason (and a complete and utter pain in the ass to fix).
Actually Sopuli now uses Brevo's SMTP server, so those companies blocking a certain domain or IP range shouldn't be a problem anymore.
Oo, nice. Sorry for bad assumptions.
I first used password reset to get in and then changed my email address in settings which sent a new verification email. Used the same email too by changing from [email protected] to [email protected] - simpler to ask our helpful admin tho.
I did the reset password trick then changed the mail and it worked, I got a confirmation mail :)
Funnily I got the "registration approved" mail a while after I was actually logged in
I found mine in the trash, so there wasn't even a notification
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