If it's only a 2-hour flight, there's probably a better way to get there.
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It's much cheaper for an average person to fly from Slovakia to London than to go through, like 3 countries by train/car and in the tunnel/on a ferry.
Not in the U.S, generally
There is indeed in most of the world, in the form of intercity and high speed rail. There used to be the former in a way bigger proportion of North America than there is now.
Oslo-Trondheim is either 7 hour drive or a 45 min flight. Not everyone are blessed with flat countries and fast trains.
Terrible comparison. Door to door with up to four people and baggage it's a 7h drive, that 45min flght is not door to door..
My nearest airport is 30 mins to the train station, 15mins walk to the lobby 60mins in check-in, 60mins contingency waiting at the gate, then 45mins flight which is probably delayed 15 mins. Then another 15 mins waiting to get off the plane, then 20mins waiting for baggage and another 60mins to get to your destination.
Yes it's probably still faster, but don't try to compare a flight to a drive in the way you just did lol
Also thanks for fucking our environment to save yourself 2-3h
There are also some phobias involved here. It's very common to be afraid of close and tiny spaces and heights, even literally afraid to fly, which is translated to be inside something that flies. A lot of people travels for business and have asshole bosses, so I can't blame them for being in the rush to get some place in time.
fuck planes
Almost like speedrunning cabinet near bed, which speedrunners hit with legs, so they can skip waking-up animation.
As soon as it lands? Wouldn't you get flung forward by the deceleration?
I'm going to keep standing anyway. Have fun sitting there.
Also rushing onto the elevator or train before people can get off can save 0 seconds on your commute to work. $lifehack