This was literally down the street from me. Sad, our part of Carlington is usually so quiet.I dont think that between this, the lgbtq hate that I've seen of late ( yep I'm a part of that community and hate to see the right to peaceful existance destroyed by others with nothing but hate in their hearts., many my clients and how I support my family) , I dont think that I want to stay in this city a lot longer. I just dont want to live in this kind of environment anymore. Time to go.
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Sorry to hear :(.
That's always been a rough part of town (I worked in that area for years), and one-off daytime shootings have happened in many places over the years. To me the big difference is that we're given less and less information as the public. No names, no circumstances, nothing. The lack of information makes it possible to use events like these as justification for any policy since we all want less shootings but with no information hinting at root cause (for example gang activity) it makes it easier to pass blanket laws like our federal government does.